Buenos Aires

(Just the Bs As general pics here, or you can skip to Recoleta, home of 1000 potential doom metal album cover pics here) Giving Thanks in Buenos Aires With four months under our belts in Paraguay, feeling slightly more confident about getting around, and an impending four-day Thanksgiving weekend, we Read more…

The Road To Iguazu

Pics of the Road here, or just skip to pics of the Argentine side of Iguazu. (Takes place in October of 2014, across Paraguay, a hop, skip and a jump across Brazil before we arrived in Argentina. Front loaded with words words words, lots of pretty pix towards the end.) Read more…


We took a trip to nearby Aregua for the famous strawberry festival. Lots of goodies. Yum! Naturally, when the winter temps soared to 93F, the battery of our rent-a-van-wreck died. And the latch to open the hood was also broken. Katie and the teachers lead the kids to shade, while Read more…